How to Repair a Broken Bike ChainBroken Bike ChainHow to Repair a Broken Bike Chain

Experiencing a broken bike chain can be frustrating, but fortunately, it’s a repair that can be done with a few simple tools and a bit of know-how. Whether you’re out on a ride or in your garage, knowing how to fix a broken bike chain can get you back on the road quickly. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to repair a broken bike chain and get you pedaling again in no time.

Remove the Chain from the Bike

The first step to fix the broken chain of the bike is to remove the chain from your bike so you can easily work on the chain and prevent any further damage to the bike.

Locate the Broken Link

After removing  the chain from your bike, you need to locate the broken link. This will be the link where the chain has come apart.

Pull the pin out with a chain tool

To fix the broken link, you will need to use a chain tool. A chain tool is a small device that is used to push out the pin that holds the chain links together. Place the chain tool over the pin that holds the broken link together, and turn the tool clockwise to push the pin out.

Remove the Broken Link

Once the pin is removed, the broken link should come apart, and you can remove it from the chain.

Replace the Link or Pin

Next, you will need to replace the broken link with a new one. If you have a replacement link, use the chain tool to push the pin through one end of the new link and into the chain. If you don’t have a replacement link, you can use a chain pin to reconnect the broken link. Insert the pin through one end of the broken link, and then use the chain tool to push the pin through until it is flush with the outer edge of the link.

Check the Chain Length

Once the broken link is fixed, use the chain tool to check the length of the chain. If the chain is too long, you can remove links with the tool. If the chain is too short, you will need to add links.

Reattach the Chain to the Bike

Once the chain is the correct length and the broken link is fixed, reattach the chain to the bike. Make sure the chain is properly lubricated and test the gears to ensure everything is working properly.

By following these steps, you can fix a broken bicycle chain and get back to enjoying your ride in no time.


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In conclusion, repairing a broken bike chain can be done with the right tools and technique. The first step is to assess the damage and determine if any links need to be replaced. If so, a chain tool can be used to remove the damaged link and replace it with a new one. If the chain can be repaired without replacing any links, then the chain can be reconnected using a quick link or a chain pin. It’s important to ensure that the chain is properly lubricated and tightened before riding to prevent any further damage or accidents. Overall, with a little bit of knowledge and the right tools, a broken bike chain can be easily fixed.


Q: What tools do I need to repair a broken bike chain?

A: You will need a chain tool, replacement links or a quick link, and a wrench or pliers to tighten the chain.

Q: Can I ride my bike with a broken chain?

A: It is not recommended to ride your bike with a broken chain as it can cause further damage to your bike and can be dangerous.

Q: How do I remove a damaged link from my bike chain?

A: You can use a chain tool to push out the pin holding the damaged link together, then remove the link from the chain.

Q: How do I reconnect my bike chain after repairing it?

A: You can use a quick link or a chain pin to reconnect the chain, depending on the type of chain you have. Be sure to properly lubricate and tighten the chain before riding.

Q: Do I need to replace my entire bike chain if it’s broken?

A: It depends on how much damage has been done. If only one or two links are damaged, you may be able to replace those links and continue using the same chain. However, if the chain is severely damaged or has been used for a long time, it may be best to replace the entire chain.

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